Open letter from Lucky
friends love greyhounds and non-greyhound friends!
Most of us have a problem. And that means SHEEPDOG! There should be, too nice of this breed but I've yet to meet a! Many of us have been in meetings with these resentful Vierpfotlern paid on it hard and had later provided a physician. Jealous because they are not as fast as we do and thus, instead try harder times, like when they bite like us get hold of only somehow. Some of us have been incurred even on a lead from such a monster and had to flee by any chance! Or they chase us away from our families until we are completely disoriented and wander for days and with luck to get back home. There are some very bad stories I have heard in my life.
with me also in the proximity of so lives a guy. Although he is always provided on a leash and muzzled but if we go past each other he always hisses at me viciously, "I get you too!" And licking it with relish on the snout!
But now I've found a way for me to represent all who have already made a bad experience with this species to take revenge. I gave him shit now more accurately prior to his garden gate!! There, he always comes out to walk the dog walk! Mama do it now admits it away but I do not smell no matter, he does it anyway! And he is angry to be afraid about it and can not help it! So I tell him that I shit where I want! And preferably in front of his door! So the guy finally know what I think of him and how to find him. Just simply to Sch ...! (Pardon my wording it, I do not even advertised, my good upbringing prevents me from this). This is just have my revenge on behalf of all dogs, made the bad experience with this breed.
I wish you all a beautiful shepherd dog-free Sunday!
Your Lucky
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