male friendship Today it was again! The miners have time to visit Lucky. The welcome was very stormy, the three musketeers were very happy again to spend a day together. As for Sven and Elizabeth used her visit to Vienna for an exhibition tour went, I went with the three guys in our Auhof the morning walk. While this was very stressful for me a year ago to go with three whippets on the leash for a walk, I noticed that some things have changed. Behaved and mannered all trotted with me be around and I was not a moment in danger, torn down to. Yes, you realize that adolescence is over. After a walk gabs first breakfast for us all and I was quite amazed, Lucky plastered with his friends dry food (he looks normal with the Popo does not). Then a bit was played, actually only Aramis and Lucky were there, Samu has preferred not to leave the couch and everything from there to look at rest. Afternoon, we made the woods uncertain. Afterwards, a foot-washing was announced (much to the dismay of the boys) but the feet were more by weather than mud dirty. Meanwhile, Elisabeth and Sven came back again, I cooked für uns Menschen Boeuf Stroganoff und die Wüffis bekamen Rinderfaschiertes mit Reis und Gemüse. Da blieb kein Reiskorn über! Als es dann wieder ans Abschiednehmen ging, schaute Lucky sehr unglücklich aus dem Fell. Aber nicht traurig sein Lucky! In drei Wochen treffen wir uns alle wieder in Tök (Ungarn) beim Coursing. Da werden wir ein ganzes Wochenende miteinander verbringen und das Hasi darf auch gejagt werden. Das sind doch tolle Aussichten!
Aramis und Lucky in Spiellaune |
That makes fun! |
Who is stronger? |
Do not go away, I let you win next time! |
No, I'm offended and go complain to Samu! |
Our Puszta-Prince - Three friends for life! |
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