dialogue between text and image
Everyone knows Lucky Strike and the legendary text-image Dialogs and since Mad Men, we know why the Luckys are toasted and non-toxic .. ;-)
Source: Cult factor
was the central idea of \u200b\u200bour customers to the benefits of a new line of ultrasound devices with text-picture combinations for a fair unmoderated as moving image to the gallery. "We explore six different territories in ultra-sound: The future, image quality, workflow, detection, volume, and value."
The task of the designer is therefore a logical visual scanning to find which shows the relationship of the features and attention generated.
have as the customer base I formerly used by me Testimonial proposed animation. The attached layout drawings were very rude and illustrated the principle in spatial context. The existing grid benefiting others, not least, the time schedule and so the production was done in five days.
Exhibition Animation - Siemens Healthcare worldwide
Client: Spirit Link GmbH
task: visual design, animation
Implementation: After Effects CS4
Format: 720p
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