Wednesday, January 26, 2011

How Much Is Polaroid Camera In Pesos

Lucky and his bodyguard :-)

This morning we have accidentally hit on our Gassiweg Whippet Body Guard ( mosquitoes Whippets ). Body has already arrived with his family to attend the Coursing sulla neve. The guys are quick off raging, Lucky was very happy to meet a Whippetfreund. In the afternoon mum and I have bodysuits for us appointment for a walk on the Doadleralm. As the two boys were once neatly on the gas. It's so beautiful here, the dogs can run off leash, as it on the winter hiking trails, almost no one hits. It is still quiet on the Doadleralm ... yet ... because in three days, over 200 greyhounds arrive there.

Lucky I could today be persuaded to hang his gold medal Sunday at the neck. After such a beautiful day with a friend, he was appeased Body :-) can

Come on, let's not expect it to run ... Body to dash around with Lucky

Lucky and his gold medal

The calm before the storm the Doadleralm


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