Thursday, January 27, 2011

Welcome Address Elementary Salutatorian


Yes, you know it already, the Greyhounds win the Stubaital. Today, some friends arrived back and Afghans, Salukis and Whippets populate the already Doadleralm. In brilliant sunshine, you could go for a walk and sit in the sun. Even now among the already busy talking shop come here, speculating about the coursing, and the results from the snow race last week. The course is already underway, the track must be moved, since the course is 1 of this year increased. It puts so much work behind these events, the WRCT and advance Sabine and Jörg Millert are almost around the clock. Today were already volunteers from FCW Stubai Valley, the Tyrolean actively support. Lt. Reporting statistics are overall on both days 208 dogs from 9 countries reported, the Whippets are the most represented (which is about 1 / 3 of the registration number of a European!): 31 females, 21 males and 6 at CACIL competition Whippets Poachers in the class at the start!
morning we pick up Heidi and Kylie, who come by train. Since Lucky has his sweetheart again and asses are not sure of joy :-)

is slowly evening on the Doadleralm, Jörg only pennies more on course.

Lucky is still playing a game of Frisbee before the sun goes down.

Cripsy Chocolate Icing

WHAT IS OIKOUMENISMOS - (with simple words and historical examples)


(με απλά λόγια και ιστορικά παραδείγματα)

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

How Much Is Polaroid Camera In Pesos

Lucky and his bodyguard :-)

This morning we have accidentally hit on our Gassiweg Whippet Body Guard ( mosquitoes Whippets ). Body has already arrived with his family to attend the Coursing sulla neve. The guys are quick off raging, Lucky was very happy to meet a Whippetfreund. In the afternoon mum and I have bodysuits for us appointment for a walk on the Doadleralm. As the two boys were once neatly on the gas. It's so beautiful here, the dogs can run off leash, as it on the winter hiking trails, almost no one hits. It is still quiet on the Doadleralm ... yet ... because in three days, over 200 greyhounds arrive there.

Lucky I could today be persuaded to hang his gold medal Sunday at the neck. After such a beautiful day with a friend, he was appeased Body :-) can

Come on, let's not expect it to run ... Body to dash around with Lucky

Lucky and his gold medal

The calm before the storm the Doadleralm

Monday, January 24, 2011

Shampoo For Loosing Hair

Lucky won the race in Tirol Snow

We arrived safely in the Stubai Valley Friday and have time to party with our Tyrolean welcome friends :-) Saturday began the only snow in our part of the race with the candidates of the big races. The Whippets ran on Sunday. At 9 clock morning we arrived at the Doadleralm at. It was bitterly cold, minus 12.5 degrees! Since it was warm up properly. Lucky started in Poachers solo competition (for dogs without a racing license, he has the coursing) and opened with his running the race day. Perfectly he left the start box and literally flew over the snow. The race distance was 280 m for Whippets, he was visibly disappointed that the Hasi has given up so quickly :-) The second run was flawless. As the poachers competition was occupied by only three dogs (two whippets and a Galgo), the competition was limited. The greater my surprise that Lucky has won the competition and was faster than the Galgo. So I honestly did not expect. Lucky was a beautiful Glass gold medal with laurel wreath, photos to follow, I must persuade him first, thus posing

:-) Here are the results of whippets: Whippet

- mixed RK

first Avatar du chat Quirit
second Benjie Memories of Black and White
third Maestrale
4th Abigail du chat qui rit
5th Bombon Chanal du chat qui rit
6th Black Mamba du chat qui rit

B-final first

Iron Horse
second Silverhawk's third Calimera
4th In dulci jubilo Effloresco's

Nat. Class size

Tyllzo Ty Jonathan


first Tisza-Parti Szélvész Ipse - WH (LUCKY)
second Michelle - Galgo
third Stork Town's Nightlife - WH

Since the timing worked was not counted after the finish, on solo runs (poaching), the time was determined using a stopwatch.

The overall results from both days of racing can be found here .

Here are some pictures from Sunday:

The start area

look at the race track

Lucky is very interested in the Barsoidame not be called wrong and HOT LADY :-)

Again, the starting area with mountain views

the winner with his admirer Heidi, the himself zwei Afghanen hat, aber heimlich in Lucky verliebt ist:-)

Ein herzliches Dankeschön an den WRCT (Windhundrennclub Tirol) für diese tolle Veranstaltung!

Und jetzt machen wir ein paar Tage Urlaub im Stubaital, freuen uns auf unsere Coursingfreunde, die ab Mittwoch eintreffen, und werden Euch weiter am Laufenden halten!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Investing Mutal Funds Vs Ppf

only 2 days!

Vorfreude ist ja bekanntlich die schönste Freude...
Und seit einem Jahr freue ich mich, wieder ins Stubaital zu kommen. Und in 2 Tagen sind wir dort! Heute hat es dort geschneit, also dürften die Rennbedingungen für das Schneerennen optimal sein. Und übermorgen um diese Zeit sitzen wir schon the welcome dinner with all the dear friends in the Doadleralm. But before it is morning packing the suitcases and a few other things to do. Friday morning we go jet! Stubaital we come!

Our Gassiweg im Stubaital

Stubai Glacier View

Monday, January 17, 2011

How Do You Get Shadow Pikachu In Pokemon

We have visited the pals!

Yesterday, it was finally. We went to his mates. Long, the three friends have been made. To better Understanding. Aramis is a "blue" Whippet, his correct name is Tisza-parti Szélvész Argo, and he lives with Tisza-parti Szélvész Samu Samu Aramis and Lucky's first have been friends, he knows the two Wüffis from puppyhood on. Sven and Elizabeth were mentioned to me by my breeder Zsolt as a reference when I am interested in him for Lucky. And was drafted as Lucky, they came to visit us and so began a wonderful friendship between dogs and human beings. Samu and Lucky are even related to each other, they both have the same paternal grandfather. As pet owners have moved and thus of course a lot of work to do in the new house was located, the three friends do not see a long time. All the greater was the joy of reunion. They have so crazy as never before. Then we took a wonderful walk together in the spring weather, when really lacked the post. The Three Musketeers have had it crash right :-)

This was a great day for us all. The miners and Lucky were then ready. Many thanks to Sven, our "Whippetpaparazzi" that scans our Wüffis always perfect!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Vba Cheats Chaos Black

nail care

Who wants to run in Neustift, which needs clean and short nails. In the winter, not so short but Lucky's nails were again clearly too long. That is why we came today to visit Eva's claws back into perfect shape. You can just perfect, especially Lucky keeps with her although he still rises up in his "victim" :-). For me, the works not as good as he trembles like a leaf as if I would cut him like the whole paw. It was I never hurt him! Nash has behaved precaution still and watched with great concern, because if he would not be the next "victim" of his mistress. He was lucky his pedicure appointment still has time :-)

Lucky, the poor "victim"

Nash to make invisible. "I'm not there, or I'm maybe the next one."

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Why Doss A Wart Bleed Alot

thaw and anticipation

as it thaws in spring. Terrible! The temperatures are almost in the double-digit increase for this area but is now all over the water. Our tour around the Auhof is increasingly difficult, since it's almost a morass migration equals. Tomorrow it will also rain yet, what a crap weather! I just hope the snow stays in Tyrol. Only 8 days, then we start now :-) has the coursing Whippetfeld increased to 28 females and 18 males. What am also very pleased so many Whippetläufe rarely seen. Lucky is only the race without the poachers class currently competing. I tell him every day from the already snow-Hasi, which he must hunt soon. If he knew that soon it is available, he would not schlunzen so peacefully in front of him :-)

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Homemade Masterbation Doll

Lucky on video

Today I was very pleased. Emese from Hungary (their whippet bitch Mili was BOB at the Eurocup 2010, see below Fireball Whippets ) sent me a link (Lucky can be seen from 2:09, it runs under RED sent) to a video of Hungarian Magyar Agar-owners, the first Lucky Passage in Kecskemet on 14 November 2010 (note the nice weather) from the start of filming to the end and put in their video into it. I was really very happy about it, because it was a fantastic run by Lucky and I did it a memory. Moreover, there was his first start and competition in his native Hungary, he has gained. For next year we have planned to drive as much as possible to Hungary and we will strive for the title "Hungarian Coursing Champion. For this I must issue Lucky in Hungary, but since we have no choice but by. Those are all shows that are connected to a lure coursing, so in the open and that no hours of waiting in a hall where there is either too hot or too cold :-)

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Compact Slr Neoprene Case

integration Scribbles and 3D

The talk of a trainer and consultant is usually made of film sets or new German from a PowerPoint or Keynote presentation. The stylistic device of a customer in the area of \u200b\u200bstaff development is words and sentences, the expressive and authentic are taught to employees and trainers.

for the integration of People / sketches to support the 'plastic-illustrated project', in an appropriate perspective, I first pre-shoots, ie simple, Pictures, produced the illustrated then on the scene and have been used.

Client: IPA Suisse coaching
Power: Konze Transportation and production of scribbles for presentations
implementation: Cinema 4D, Powerpoint

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

How To Make A Go Kart Street Legal Minnesota

dialogue between text and image

Everyone knows Lucky Strike and the legendary text-image Dialogs and since Mad Men, we know why the Luckys are toasted and non-toxic .. ;-)

Source: Cult factor

was the central idea of \u200b\u200bour customers to the benefits of a new line of ultrasound devices with text-picture combinations for a fair unmoderated as moving image to the gallery. "We explore six different territories in ultra-sound: The future, image quality, workflow, detection, volume, and value."

The task of the designer is therefore a logical visual scanning to find which shows the relationship of the features and attention generated.

have as the customer base I formerly used by me Testimonial proposed animation. The attached layout drawings were very rude and illustrated the principle in spatial context. The existing grid benefiting others, not least, the time schedule and so the production was done in five days.

Exhibition Animation - Siemens Healthcare worldwide

Client: Spirit Link GmbH
task: visual design, animation
Implementation: After Effects CS4
Format: 720p

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Average Dress Size Us

Gravis hardware protection

My current notebook was now the third time (!!!) times at Gravis - that's a little embarrassing for me .. not .. the following was fixed:

- new software be played
- replaced the motherboard
- Housing exchanged
- air unit replaced
- Trackpad on Apple ordered and exchanged
- quote from the fault diagnosis: "if cable from the display (for Bluetooth and iSight) connected occurs again error to "
- new airport card at Apple ordered and exchanged
- ordered new display and replaced
-> error no longer occurs

what was broken? .. The fan was running after 30 - 45 minutes for no apparent reason at full load
Conclusion 1 - it is great to have a backup computer
Conclusion 2 - sometimes a insurance really glowed! Thank you!

Unhandled Exception C00005 Vice City

DIE VEREHRUNG UND ANBETUNG DER HEILIGEN IKONEN - von Christos Krikonis, Professor der theologischen Fakultät der Aristoteles Universität Thessaloniki


by Christos Krikonis, Professor of Theology of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

Basic and essential feature of the Orthodox Church the use of the worship and adoration of the icons of Jesus Christ, the Blessed Mother and all the saints. Because it will increase both its secular and expressed their transcendent character. This reality would emphasize that church fathers, who called the first Sunday of Great Lent (Tessarakosti) "Sunday of Orthodoxy". This day is also the anniversary, the reconstitution of the Holy Icons in accordance with the decision of the 7th Ecumenical Synod in 843 celebrated.

is certainly the worship and adoration of the icons necessary for several reasons.

The first reason is the need the believer, thoughts and soul, on top, turn to the target of the prayers, the prayers and the prayers, but also the praise and thanksgiving, mapped say to the saints. The faithful are praying at the sight of the holy icons of soul to rest by seeing the actual figures of several saints, even if only, as the Apostle Paul says, "in the mirror and in the puzzle." And this is because they feeling that all his presence at its mediation and representation before God, and entrust them with their prayers their concerns.

A second major reason is the great educational value of the holy icons, what their role in den Heiligen Kirchen und bei der Göttlichen Verehrung angeht. Durch sie wird jeder Christ belehrt, wie Gott und seine Kirche all jene belohnt, die auf Erden seinem Willen treu geblieben sind und sich dem Kreuzestod und dem erlösenden Werk des Gottmenschen als würdig erwiesen haben. Diese Belohnung drückt auf den Ikonen besonders der Heiligenschein der Heiligen aus.

Der dritte Grund ist der heilige Charakter der Heiligen Ikonen, der viele Seiten hat. Die wichtigsten davon sind die Rolle, die die Heiligen Ikonen innerhalb der Heiligen Kirchen und bei der Göttlichen Verehrung spielen, die Rolle der Vermittlung der theologischen Lehre der Kirche, wonach jede Verehrung und Anbetung der Heiligen "nach dem Vorbild geschieht" und die verschiedenen historischen Wunder, die ihnen zugeschrieben werden.

Der Betende spürt beim Anblick der Ikonen, dass er sich in einem lebendigen persönlichen Dialog mit den abgebildeten Heiligen Gottes befindet. Die Ikone könnte mit dem gottesfürchtigen Dolmetscher dieses Dialoges und mit jenem Fürsprecher, der die Existenz des Betenden bestimmt, gleichgesetzt werden.

Deshalb bezeichnete die 7. Ökumenische Synode die Verehrung und Anbetung der Heiligen Ikonen als "gültige gottgefällige Gesetzgebung und Tradition der Kirche, frommes Postulat und Notwendigkeit ihrer Erfüllung".

Mit diesen Bildern wird die Unbeschreibbarkeit der Gottheit weder verletzt noch entblößt, sondern es wird lediglich ihr historischer gottmenschlicher Auftritt während der Erscheinung und des Lebens Jesu Christi auf Erden beschrieben. Angesichts der Tatsache, dass alle abgebildeten Heiligen "nach dem Bild und dem Ebenbild Gottes" Abbilder der einen Gottheit sind, sind die Heiligen Ikonen Abbilder ihrer geistigen Vollkommenheit auf Erden, immer im Einklang mit der Verkündigung des Basilius des Großen "die Verehrung und Anbetung der Heiligen Ikonen geschieht nach dem Urbild".

Angeregt durch die systematischen Anklagen wegen Götzenverehrung von Seiten der Judaisten gegen jene Christen, die die Heiligen Ikonen revered and worshiped, swelled the first Ikonomachen (pictures tabs) to the outrage and some radical excesses and exploited for the purpose of defamation isolated acts of simple-minded, uneducated and fanatical Christians who were prone to exaggeration and misuse of worship and adoration of the icons. The church responded with its orthodox teaching on worship and adoration of the icons in time to the phenomenon of the isolated abuse. The true doctrine had been formulated already by St. Basil the Great. In the spirit of the resolutions of the 7th Ecumenical Synod also teach the icons the gracious equality of several saints with God because the sanctity of their lives, and therefore they too are revered and worshiped. In this respect, writes John of Damascus: "The one that (she) is not worship an enemy of Christ, the Holy Scriptures and the saints, avenger of the devil and demons, and feeling so the suffering that the saints of God will be honored and praised, while the devil is mocked. The icon is triumph and revelation and plaque to commemorate the victory of the best and the shame of the defeated and prostrate. "

are Believers "at the sight of the pictures", ie the icons, the "spirit and the worship of the depicted" guided to. Consequently, not the icon End in itself but dasMittel with which the believer becomes a symbol and remembrance of the holy life of the depicted saints sat out and so will encourage it to do the same, which includes the worship of the depicted saints or martyrs.

From all this we can conclude that the similarity - relative or absolute - of the historical, actual shape of the model is that of the icon in the church depicted in the icons of secondary importance. Priority and important about them is their character and ability to lead and to their models makes a significant contribution to the epigraphy, that is, the words the name of the image. Of course, the shape of each person depicted is not the invention of the sacred writers, but, as St. Photios notes, "God and bold proclamation of the ever-lasting apostolic and patristic tradition, and with the same and sacred rules, processed and manufactured, it represents nothing designed not to benefit from the beauty of the imperfect material or of human curiosity, before them (the people) it shows courage by being visible, you revealed all her work and decides to us with clarity and without admixtures on the representations of the sacred idols. way by the awesome Ikonen zu gewähren".

Die Ikone ist nach dem Heiligen Photios "als Ganzes ein Archetyp" nach der Gestalt, nach der Neigung, nach den Vorbildern des Archetyps, hauptsächlich jedoch nach ihrem tiefsten theologischen Inhalt, der heiligenden Gabe und dem Segen des Abgebildeten, der sich ununterbrochen in ihr ergießt, wie auch im Archetyp, und an der all jene Teil haben, die das Vorbild verehren und seine Ikone ehrfürchtig anbeten.

Ap Lab 8 Hardy Weinberg Problem 6


Why Do The Japanese Say Ww












http://www-orthodoxipisti-3. /

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Malaysian Erotic Movies

Jiro Taniguchi - Scenography

A comic with a difference last night and today I have consumed this morning in just under three hours: Jiro Taniguchi " The view of things" (published in 2008 by Carlsen). Here it is less about superheroes, more than your usual - a journey into the memories of childhood. In retrospect, the narrator recalls the deathbed of his father to the things and decisions that shape his personality and his life.

addition to the cultural point of view (the Japanese), I find memorable and great: the drawing style - it could act at the scene and a Japanese history or travel document, plus: die zeitlichen Wechsel - das 'Gestern', das 'Heute' und im Besonderen die durchgängig perfekt sitzenden Charaktere. Hier entwickelt sich ein Junge über den Jugendlichen Teenager zum Studenten und schliesslich zum Mitt-dreißiger.

Vormerke: " Vertraute Fremde " von Jiro Taniguchi (2007 bei Carlsen erschienen) - oder als Film bei Xverleih: " Vertraute Fremde " mit Pascal Greggory und Alexandra Maria Lara