Sunday, December 19, 2010
Friday, December 17, 2010
I Return To Work With Tonsilitis
Coaching is a highly dialogic way of working and communication is known to all. Much more effective than talking but often feel and experience with all senses, the whole body .. our perception of reality is just that: perception through our senses, coupled with or better filtered through experience and beliefs, we make our reality beyond her .. and live with all logic or (alleged) property orientation wir doch immer noch in magischen Welten, sind wir bestimmt von dem was wir glauben, was wir hoffen, was wir annehmen.. ständig suchen wir nach Anzeichen für etwas und sprechen von Glück, Zufall, Pech.. Viel mehr als unsere vielgepriesene Ratio sind es Intuition, Gefühl und Glaube was unser Agieren in der Welt bestimmt. Diese Weltwahrnehmungsmechanismen können wir in der Arbeit als Coaches exzellent nutzen. Mit Metaphern, Symbolen und Ritualen schaffen wir, mentale Erkenntnisse in Fühlen, "Be-greifen" und Spüren umzusetzen. Denn nur was der Körper verstanden hat, versteht auch der Geist und dann ist es auch umsetzbar.
Eine weitere sehr spannende Ebene ist das szenische Arbeiten. Hier treten we seem in our everyday role and identity of put us in a different situation and that others in a world of experience. We stage reality in a game, suddenly something or be someone else to bring their own interests at the inner life. We create ways to express things that we could not say in our everyday role, we see and experience ourselves and our world from a different perspective. All this can achieve scenic work.
In this workshop we want, me and my coach colleague Monika Baldsiefen ( will show you effective tools and instruments in these areas, you are living with you, they are for you to experience and feel and can therefore make a more effective intervention tools for your coaching work available.
We invite you to an exciting weekend in beautiful surroundings. In an old castle, directly on the Rhine River south of Dusseldorf, we will be a guest in the new Business & Conference Center Marienburg.
Here are the details:
Date: 24./25.09.2011
Location: Business & Conference Center Marienburg / Monheim
investment: 350,00 €
Include: Participation in the seminar, documentation, drinks
Anmeldungen bitte an:
Dorothe Fritzsche
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Home Made Water Bottles
Das alte Jahr neigt sich dem Ende entgegen, höchste Zeit das nächste zu planen!
Und da wird es einiges Neues geben!
So starte ich ab März 2011 erstmalig eine Coach-Vollausbildung in Kooperation mit der IHK Düsseldorf. Die Plätze sind zur Zeit bereits belegt. Die bisherigen IHK-Zertifikatsseminare "Coachingkompetenzen für Manager and consultants are considered "basic module for full training and can be booked as such. This based seminars run in March and September in Dusseldorf and in May and October in Hamburg.
Full training will cover incl . base module 186 l-hour structured in four practical modules and two e-learning modules. The focus of training is the greatest possible methodological bandwidth present and a very versatile practice training. search result information soon here.
addition, the Certificate Seminar for November 2011 in Saarbrücken planned in cooperation with the local Chamber of Commerce.
all new to the program is a weekend seminar for coaches and consultants who want to expand their tool box. We befasssen two days in a pretty seminar hotel in Bergisch Land to work with metaphors, symbols, rituals and scenic work. The plan is the 24th and 25 September 2011.
Also coming soon to more .
2011 will therefore be an exciting year and I, I look forward to many interesting encounters!
Monday, December 13, 2010
Tamil English Marriage Invitation
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Raylene Richards Online
heterodox Return to Orthodoxy
Monk's former Alexiou Karakalinou
R isigisi ekfonitheisa the Inter-Orthodox Theological Conference "Ecumenism. Origins - Expectations - Disclaimer "which was held in Thessaloniki on 20-24 September 2004 by the Society of Orthodox Studies.
Christ is "the true light, illuminating the ever man coming into the world." And as St. John Chrysostom said: "Grace unto all ekkechytai; ουκ Ιουδαίον, ουκ Έλληνα, ου βάρβαρον, ου Σκύθην, ουκ ελεύθερον, ου δούλον αποστρεφομένη· πάντας ομοίως προσιεμένη (προσεγγίζουσα) και μετά της ίσης τιμής».
MoreWednesday, December 1, 2010
Edema During Menstruation

and good for those who do not believe in God, and hang their hope in money and at the other riches. But what say no to those who are called Christians that go to church and ask God to help them in life, and they say they have the hope in Christ, the Virgin Mary and the saints, and "On the other hand, it is stingy, not giving anything f brothers, the poor, and ' ever collect money and wealth? In my life I saw such so-called Christians are the most, And no wonder how they can symferontologiki reconcile a life, in the words of Christ, who says I repeat: "Do not care about what we eat and about what we drink and for what dressed. Look at the birds, nor toil, nor gather, yet your heavenly Father nourish. Look how much splendor are coated wildflowers, and where "Solomon himself was decorated not like those meaner flowers .... Well, if for the grass of the field, now blossom And tomorrow firing the oven, arrange your Father which is in heaven, how much more will take care of you doubting?.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Poems Acrostic Online Write
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Sample Letter For Diconnection Of Services
- Elder, for many people, while believe, have lost their faith;
- If someone watches the issues of faith and worship, slowly forgotten and can happen unconscious, to reach a point not to believe anything.
- Some, Elder, saying that their faith shaken when they see good people suffer.
- Even if all God crucible good, should not be left Vali one calculus, but to think that God is what it does, love does. God knows how it works. To help a bad thing happen, something better will vgi.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
My Teeth Clear Bottom
Dark Brown Color Sofa
For Summer Fashion Week 2010, I received two accreditations. Others in the DesigerScouts. HBC / Karl-Liebknecht-Str. Since there was a corresponding Clubathmosphäre a branched catwalk with several 'POIs' (Point of interests) and enough light so that no additional flash was necessary.
Two shots were enough for the person with the, from location scouting combine designed scenes. The mood and the light from the recording site favor, resulting in the subsequent retouching Nachtaufnahmen. Aber auch Szenen im Tageslicht oder verfremdete Motive mit abstrakten Tonwerten eignen sich gut für die schnelle Integration.
schön Youtubed z.B. von Esther Perband - Made by: 1000 Bilder //
Music by: Nils Weishaupt:
Veranstalter: Designer Scouts
Club: .HBC
Set: Flickr
Friday, November 19, 2010
Bathroom Forget Me Not
The Best Volleyball Camps

the newly auctioned Nikon was allowed through the summer, some remaining ruins of Berlin erweitertn scan and the fundus of interest and motifs / site. Among them was the former residence in immigrant-as-Hohenschönhausen, one, I believe, wafer plant in Pankow, the former ice factory in the North German ice factory in the middle and the former radar station on Gallows Hill.
on the list of places yet to be explored, meanwhile, is the city swimming pool or in the Str, the post house at the Landsberger Allee in the middle / Fhain.

Sunday, November 7, 2010
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What's The Beethoven Song That Goes Du Du Du Du
Friday, November 5, 2010
Sample Of Rom Ceremony Program

Fr Nikolaos Ioannidis - contribute regeneration of the Church in τοῦ 1821
Father Nikolaos Ioannidis is Professor of the Theological School of Athens University
Σὲ ὅλη τὴν διάρκεια τῆς Ὀθωμανικῆς δουλείας, ἡ ὀρθόδοξη Ἐκκλησία ὑπῆρξε ἡ κιβωτὸς τῆς σωτηρίας τοῦ ἑλληνικοῦ Γένους καὶ ἡ δύναμη ἐκείνη πού, μὲ τὸ ποιμαντικὸ καὶ ἐθνικὸ ἔργο της, προετοίμασε τὸν ὑπόδουλο ἑλληνισμὸ νὰ ἀγωνισθεῖ καὶ νὰ κερδίσει τὴν ἐλευθερία του.
Ἀμέσως μετὰ τὴν ὑποταγὴ τοῦ Βυζαντίου στοὺς Ὀθωμανούς, ἡ Ἐκκλησία διαισθάνθηκε τὸν κίνδυνο τοῦ ἐξαφανισμοῦ τοῦ ἑλληνικοῦ Γένους καὶ γι᾿ αὐτὸ ἀναζήτησε μὲ responsibility effective means of resistance. Realized that only the preservation of the Orthodox Christian faith fosters patience, τὴ συνοχὴ καὶ τὴν καρτερία τοῦ Γένους στὰ δεινὰ τῆς μακρᾶς δουλείας· ἡ ἐμμονὴ δηλαδὴ στὴν πίστη τῶν πατέρων θὰ διατηροῦσε τὴν ἱστορικὴ συνέχεια And the consciousness of the Greek nation.
so with all limited because of slavery forces, the church fostered the Christian ἦθος καὶ τὸν ὀρθόδοξο λειτουργικὸ τρόπο ζωῆς. Διατήρησε τὴ γλώσσα καὶ τὴν ἱστορία μαζὶ μὲ τὴν ἐλπίδα τῆς ἐλευθερίας. Ἡ ἑλληνορθόδοξη πίστη καὶ παράδοση now constitute the identity of the enslaved Hellenism and highlighting the difference against the Muslim Ottomans. If the Church did not enter τότε νὰ διαπαιδαγωγήσει ἐκκλησιαστικῶς καὶ ἐθνικῶς τὰ ὑπόδουλα τέκνα της, ὅλα αὐτὰ θὰ ἦταν ἀδύνατον νὰ ἐπιτευχθοῦν μέσα στὸ σκοτάδι τῆς ἀμάθειας ποὺ ἐπέφερε ἡ ὀθωμανικὴ δουλεία.
Μὲ τὰ «κρυφὰ σχολειά» κατ᾿ ἀρχάς, ἀλλὰ καὶ μὲ ἄλλα μεγαλύτερα σχολεῖα, ὅταν τὸ ἐπέτρεψαν οἱ περιστάσεις, offer opportunities of learning the old Greek culture, ekalliergise and maintained the national consciousness and has forged a national and religious beliefs of the enslaved Greeks. The relation Greek culture and the Church has become inextricable, and 'patrios faith "was "And the only protimotaton-needed 'of goods for National Salvation.
For these ideals sacrificed a multitude of martyrs and Martyrs, tens of thousands of clergy were martyred "For faith and fatherland" and the martyr death contributed greatly to the preparation of the Nation γιὰ τὴν παλιγγενεσία τοῦ 1821 ἀλλὰ καὶ στὴ τροφοδότηση τῆς ἀγωνιστικότητας καὶ τῆς ἐλπίδας.
Ἡ Ἐκκλησία, λοιπόν, ἔγινε ὁ διαπορθμευτὴς τῆς Θείας Welfare, which celebrated the miracle of the rescue of our Nation from the Ottoman slavery of four hundred years and led the enslaved Greeks λαὸ στὴν ἐλευθερία. Γι᾿ αὐτὸ ἡ ἐπανάσταση τοῦ 1821 δὲν στηρίχθηκε σὲ δημαγωγικὲς ἢ ταξικὲς ἢ ἄλλες ἰδιοτελεῖς ἀρχές, ἀλλὰ σὲ βάσεις θρησκευτικὲς καὶ ἐθνικές, στὴν ὀρθοδοξία καὶ τὸν ἑλληνισμό, ὅπως διακήρυξαν οἱ ἁγνοὶ ἀγωνιστὲς τοῦ ῾21 καὶ ἡ Α´ Ἐθνοσυνέλευση τῆς Ἐπιδαύρου: «πόλεμος ἐθνικός, War, Holy, War, whose sole cause is recoverable law our personal liberty ... and price.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Shampoo Without Sulfate
Returns heterodox Orthodoxy
Monk's former Alexiou Karakalinou
R isigisi ekfonitheisa the Inter-Orthodox Theological Conference "Ecumenism. Origins - Expectations - Disclaimer" which was held in Thessaloniki on 20-24 September 2004 by the Society of Orthodox Studies ".
Christ is" the true light, illuminating the ever man coming in the world. " And as St. John Chrysostom said: "Grace to all men; ekkechytai essential Jew quite a Greek, my barbarian, my Skythin, essential liberty, ου δούλον αποστρεφομένη· πάντας ομοίως προσιεμένη (προσεγγίζουσα) και μετά της ίσης τιμής».
ΠερισσότεραSaturday, October 30, 2010
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Παρακάτω θα βρει κανείς απάντηση στην blind and complete idealization of Greek history from the National fanatics, designed not merely to glorify the Greek Nation and history, but mainly targeting the elimination of God Jesus Christ from the Greek psyche, through an artificial beauty throughout the ancient and therefore all the ancient religious practice, which leads, unfortunately, most of our fellow citizens in the darkness of the lack of true education.
beastfolk SONS OF THE GODS &
The gods and beasts and anthropomorphic monsters of mythology, the products starting miarotatis bestiality , their sons, eager debauchery ... That is why since ancient times trying to drink το ιερό αίμα της σάρκας και της ψυχής των Ελλήνων. Οι σημερινοί οπαδοί τους, πραγματικοί ζηλωτές τους, αντί να αντισταθούν σε αυτή την δαιμόνια φύση των gods repenting for failures of their ancestors, they have the audacity to hold holy (unholy) celebrations, peripaizontas ignorance of Greek property people, where the ancient times our ancestors describe the shame of the human sacrifice of Greek citizens in front of idols of folly and destruction.
More .
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Monday, October 25, 2010
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OF Nazianzus, Bishop Paul de Bagiester
Photo Annex
Pope Pius I (1903-1914) με τιάρα.
Η παπική τιάρα (triregnum) αποτελεί σύμβολο της πνευματικής και κοσμικής εξουσίας του παπισμού επάνω σε όλη την Εκκλησία και σε όλα τα κράτη the world.
used by popes in special ceremonies, such as during the ceremony stepseos. Bring around adorned with three crowns gems and a top cross placed upon a globe.
The tiara with three crowns worn for the first time since the Pope Clement R (1305-1314) and most recently by Paul F at the ceremony stepseos in 1963.
since no pope wore no tiara. Modern social conditions forced the papal seat to withdraw, but not abolish, the most obvious symbols of papal authority, to avoid strong criticism Triggered and the faithful of the papal Church.
Coronation of Pope Paul VI (1963-1978).
During the ceremony stepseos archdeacon put the tiara on the head of the new Pope and says the following prayer: «Dexe the tiara, decorated with three crowns and know that you Father of Princes and Kings, a master of the world, earthly representative of our Savior Jesus Christ, to whom belongs the honor and δόξα εις τους αιώνας των αιώνων».
« Α ccipe tiaram tribus coronis ornatam, et scias te esse Patrem Principum et Regnum, Rectorem Orbis, in terra Vicarium Salvatoris Nostri Jesu Christi, cui est honor et gloria in s.cula s.culorum».
Μετά τον Παύλο ΣΤ ΄ η τελετή στέψεως replaced (not removed) from the ceremony, the establishment of the Supreme Papacy (Inauguration of the Supreme Pontificate).
Pope Benedict XVI .
The refusal of the last three popes wear the tiara does not change at all papal ambitions and falsehoods. The main doctrines of the papacy, the primacy and infallibility of which derive all visible symbolic diversions remain completely unchanged.
Why? For this reason, these two doctrines are the two pillars upon which supported the papal structure. The elimination automatically lead to the collapse of the papacy.
The emblem of the papacy
The tiara is no longer used by Popes, but still there is the emblem and flag of the Vatican as a symbol of secular power of the papacy.
The first African Bishop of Kenge Franz Hoenen embraces the foot of the Pope Paul VI (1965).
Since then this custom has been suspended (till the time).
express special thanks to Reverend Rodostolou Bishop Chrysostomos, who gave us the photo. Perhaps it is the only photo kind of traveling across the globe.
The portable papal throne (sedia gestatoria).
consists of an armchair covered with silk cloth, built on a base that has two rings on each corner, through which pass two στύλοι. Οι στύλοι μαζί με τον θρόνο βαστάζονται από δώδεκα palafrenieri, ντυμένους με κόκκινες στολές. Συνοδεύεται από δύο μεγάλα ριπίδια (βεντάλιες) φτιαγμένα από white ostrich feathers. Pope John Paul I (1978) was the last to use the sedia gestatoria. Has since been replaced by car (popemobile).
parents of Father Paul Ballester, Francisco and Maria.
Father Paul as bishop of Nazianzus.
Father Paul as dean.
The church of St. Sophia in Mexico City. It was built at the initiative and the care of Father Paul.
The coffin with the remains of Father Paul placed in the tomb.