Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Shampoo Without Sulfate

Return to Orthodoxy of heterodox Monk Fr Alexios Karakalinou

Returns heterodox Orthodoxy

Monk's former Alexiou Karakalinou

http: / /

R isigisi ekfonitheisa the Inter-Orthodox Theological Conference "Ecumenism. Origins - Expectations - Disclaimer" which was held in Thessaloniki on 20-24 September 2004 by the Society of Orthodox Studies ".

Christ is" the true light, illuminating the ever man coming in the world. " And as St. John Chrysostom said: "Grace to all men; ekkechytai essential Jew quite a Greek, my barbarian, my Skythin, essential liberty, ου δούλον αποστρεφομένη· πάντας ομοίως προσιεμένη (προσεγγίζουσα) και μετά της ίσης τιμής».



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