Designer Scouts
For Summer Fashion Week 2010, I received two accreditations. Others in the DesigerScouts. HBC / Karl-Liebknecht-Str. Since there was a corresponding Clubathmosphäre a branched catwalk with several 'POIs' (Point of interests) and enough light so that no additional flash was necessary.
Two shots were enough for the person with the, from location scouting combine designed scenes. The mood and the light from the recording site favor, resulting in the subsequent retouching Nachtaufnahmen. Aber auch Szenen im Tageslicht oder verfremdete Motive mit abstrakten Tonwerten eignen sich gut für die schnelle Integration.
schön Youtubed z.B. von Esther Perband - Made by: 1000 Bilder //
Music by: Nils Weishaupt:
Veranstalter: Designer Scouts
Club: .HBC
Set: Flickr
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