Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Home Made Water Bottles

Schöne Aussichten 2011

Das alte Jahr neigt sich dem Ende entgegen, höchste Zeit das nächste zu planen!

Und da wird es einiges Neues geben!

So starte ich ab März 2011 erstmalig eine Coach-Vollausbildung in Kooperation mit der IHK Düsseldorf. Die Plätze sind zur Zeit bereits belegt.  Die bisherigen IHK-Zertifikatsseminare "Coachingkompetenzen für    Manager and consultants are considered "basic module for full training and can be booked as such. This based seminars run in March and September in Dusseldorf and in May and October in Hamburg.

Full training will cover incl . base module 186 l-hour structured in four practical modules and two e-learning modules. The focus of training is the greatest possible methodological bandwidth present and a very versatile practice training. search result information soon here.

addition, the Certificate Seminar for November 2011 in Saarbrücken planned in cooperation with the local Chamber of Commerce.

all new to the program is a weekend seminar for coaches and consultants who want to expand their tool box. We befasssen two days in a pretty seminar hotel in Bergisch Land to work with metaphors, symbols, rituals and scenic work. The plan is the 24th and 25 September 2011.

Also coming soon to more .

2011 will therefore be an exciting year and I, I look forward to many interesting encounters!


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