Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Minivan Country Song

Year Post-coursing in Kecskemet - Hungary

In vierTagen fängt die Coursing-Saison für Lucky an. Wir reisen aber bereits am Freitag zum Jahreseröffnungs-Coursing nach Ungarn, genau genommen nach Kecskemet im südlichen Teil unseres Nachbarlandes, wo Lucky bereits im November vorigen Jahres teilgenommen und gewonnen hat. Das Wetter soll sonnig werden mit 12 Grad plus! Das wäre fein, nach all den kalten Tagen der letzten drei Monate könnte es wirklich einmal Frühling werden! Aber auch im letzten November hatten wir dort Glück mit dem Wetter, da hatte es knappe 20 Grad (am 14.11.!) ebenfalls bei wunderbaren Sonnenschein. Na wie heißt es so schön? "Wenn Angels travel ...":-)

But I have a secret from Lucky, which I have not betrayed him :-) His best buddies and Aramis Samu go with it. They are in the "poachers" . Hasi pursue the class we all stay until Sunday in Hungary, which means a weekend with your best friends is on, plus a great coursing on sandy soil - what Lucky wants more he will be more than happy all his loved ones ;!. can hunt with it and do not give proper gas and Hasi And I look forward to a weekend with Elizabeth and Sven Moreover, there will again be great photos, since our "Whippetpaparazzi" Sven is with

:-) Here are a few photos from my memory album. Thus it began: Lucky and the miners in September 2009, at her first coursing training!

Aramis wants only one thing - get the Hasi!

Samu pursuing targeted the booty!

Lucky in the hunting fever!

As a smoke so the paws from walking! Quick cool down ...

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Rome Total War Multiplayer Log In Fail

Club Show 2011 of ÖKWZR with CACIL

On 14 May 2011 refers to Club Show ÖKWZR with the CAC in conjunction with the CACIL Coursing 15 May in Tirol instead.

organizer of the Greyhound Racing Club Tirol (WRTC), the exhibition area is located at the races in WRTC the Inzing.

Lucky and I will not let you miss and are looking forward to it!

invitation and registration form Web at this link.

The track of the WRTC in Inzing
Photo: Helge Kronsteiner

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

What If I Forgot My Combination To My Master Lock

Coursing Coursing Championship 2011 - Holland here we come!

on the HP Coursing Championship 2011 You can read every day, how long will it be before the Championship starts. Today, there are still 135 days until then. Actually, not long, because time passes very quickly. Last year in Chardonnay, we were only to be mere spectators and fingers crossed for our team here, there was Lucky's license to "new". But this year he will . Start And to make it up to me and my racing bread as comfortable as possible, I have decided to rent a motor home this year to be in order, if fixed on the campground Coursing Championship. Last year, we have 25 km from Chardonnay away stayed in a hotel in Macon, and this was a little awkward to go back and forth. However, from Austria to Holland, it is a very long way, strictly speaking Purkersdorf - Oirschot 1060.9 km! Well, a little closer than Chardonnay, which was about 1,200 km. Faster so that I can be on the road (with a camper can not one nozzle so), I rent me (Thanks to the Whippet by Foris forum for the tips) in Mülheim an der Ruhr an der Caravanmeile bei Caravan Schraub ein Wohnmobil. Auch einen Hund kann man ohne Probleme mitnehmen. Da kann ich mit dem Auto schon mal die 900 km bis Mülheim schneller zurücklegen und ab dort habe ich es nur 135 km nach Oirschot. Perfekt! Heute habe ich den Vertrag bekommen, unterschrieben und auch bereits die Anzahlung geleistet. Holland - wir kommen!!!!!!

Hier ein paar Bilder von unserem Wohnmobil, ein Adriatik 575 SP:

Da schlafen Lucky und ich sicher sehr gut!

Today I again looked at the pictures from France last year and a bit full of memories. Nice it was in Chardonnay, especially that sense of international solidarity, which was always strong in front of the medal ceremonies for the expression, where representatives from different countries together were arm in arm waving flag a lap of honor.

"We are from Austria!"
Lucky as a Patriot in red-white-red.
The Dutchman - our host this year - 2010 in Chardonnay.

Austria together with Finland for the flags round!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Can You Get Herpes In Your Scalp

What a beautiful sunday morning

laughed again today the sun from the blue sky and my thermometer stood at 14 clock a full 10 degrees to plus! Lucky was very restless and looked at me with a look as he wanted to say, "Hey, look out, the sun shines, it is not cold, let's take a nice Sunday stroll. After I let myself be persuaded by him always very easy, I put on my hiking boots, Lucky was in his coat and pulled him the beautiful "Sunday crockery" over. Sun adjusted and ready we were off. Walk from home up the hill to the Lainz garden wall. Then the mill mountain back down, a walk through the forest with a round Auhof Flit in the sand pool, short stop to the mall Auhof (I had to examine once the spring shoe fashion) and then at the Vienna river way home again to wander. Despite the beautiful weather we were almost alone on the road. After two hours we were back at home. Full tank of fresh air and sunshine - that's equally good mood! So we are again well prepared for our work week :-)

Lucky had a nice weekend, Friday afternoon walk with a friend Nash at the Vienna Cottage, Saturday racetrack and now a spring hike through the Vienna woods. And so I have a completely happy and satisfied Whippet - so as it should be!

A tour around the Sandbecken geflitzt.

Noch hat die Sonne das Eis am Wienfluss nicht besiegt.

Neugieriger Lucky!

Die ersten Frühlingsboten haben wir auch schon entdeckt.

Lucky posing for the family album :-)

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Radiating Tgoughts To A Specific Person

Good Lucky - The Hasi wait!

early bird catches the worm ... well, not here! Lucky is a pronounced and long sleepers may not get up easily. Where he had left during the week to a Christian time, the warm bed must, for 8.15 clock is really for the working people more than late! On weekends it can sometimes 10.30 clock (like today!), Until his majesty rises. And it also shows little enthusiasm. Even the promise that it now goes to the racetrack coaxed him only a yawn. Thus, under the slogan: "The wait can Hasi!"

Was willst Du mitten in der Nacht?

Schnell wieder den Polster kuscheln.

Also ich dreh mich doch lieber noch mal um.

Was erzählt Mama mir dauernd vom Hasi wenn ich doch nor am sooo tired.

Well, when we arrived at the track of the Vienna greyhound racing club in Untersiebenbrunn was Lucky fit! If only the noise of the hare tractor made him very Hippel and he could not be expected to give proper gas. At plus 3 degrees and bright sunshine, we had the weather gods on our side and so graduated Lucky total two-round with flying colors. In two weeks it goes to Eröffnungscoursing the season to Hungary because it does not hurt track training. Now go us not to Tök but it's back to Kecskemet, where Lucky has won in the previous November. The organizers had to move the location, we have to drive 100 km further, but it is my value. Ideal is there, the sandy soil to a good start but exhausting for the dogs. Lucky for but certainly not a problem.

I want fun, I'll give gas!

Hollister Body Sprays

Aufbauqualifizierung zum "Personal Coach IHK"

From January 2012, the Dusseldorf Chamber of Commerce Forum provides the first building skills to the "Personal Coach IHK" on. The package includes a total of 196 hours and is divided into a 7-day basic module (also known as a certificate course "Coaching skills for managers and consultants" available), 3 practical modules (each 3 days) and 2 E-learning units. The 4th Module is a final colloquium that serves as a final exam.

focus of the training is on building the broadest possible methodological expertise. In addition to systemic forms of work and tools and methods from NLP, hypnosystemisches work, organization, placement techniques are taught, and psychodramatsiche Gestalt therapy and forms of intervention. An intensive practical training is just as central as the creation of a solid methodological knowledge. Participants gain insight into key issues such as change of coaching work, skills development, management consulting, work-life balance, career counseling, stress and Resilienzcoaching and many other topics.

An accompanying online forum offers an opportunity for exchange, supervision, case discussions and literature, and event information.

, the cost of the basic module is currently 950 €, the qualification structure will be at 2,500 € (without guarantee!). Funding of the NRW-education voucher is possible.

For more information, please contact me at:
mail: kontakt@synpasen-coaching.de

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Which Is Best Pentaplex Or Triplex

Quote of the Day - Frederick II

"The more I see of people,
so I'd rather have my dog."

Frederick II, the Great

Frederick II, Frederick the Great or Old Fritz called, was a lover of greyhounds . Especially, it has done to him his Italian greyhounds. When Frederick II on 17 August 1786 died, he should, according to his disposal, to be buried in a tomb on the terrace of Schloss Sanssouci in addition to his dogs. Unfortunately this was by his nephew and successor, not respected and he was buried in the Garrison Church in Potsdam. Until 17 to find his final resting - August 1991 (205 years after his death) was the old Fritz again transferred to Schloss Sanssouci to finally find his beloved dogs - as it was his wish.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Ehternal Hdd On Lg Lcd Tv

family photos

Today there are a few photos of Lucky's family to see.

This is Lucky's mom: Tisza-parti Szélvész Gerda.
you can not deny her son :-)
The proud dad: Lucky Asterix
Asterix and Lucky Gerda on rabbits.
Like parents, like son :-)
Lucky Asterix in full speed.
The Coursing was Lucky in the cradle :-)

The Tisza-parti Szélvész Whippet Family
FYI from left to right: Vera Nagy
with Hetti, Kati & Zsolt Bacskai with bingo, Giling-Galang, Beau and Bohóc and I with my father and his Lucky Lucky Asterix. All dogs from the kennel Tisza-parti Szélvész by Kati & Zs olt Bacskai.
I am very happy that I am with Katie & Zsolt a beautiful friendship and connects the two also take an active part in Lucky's development.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Pony Express Motor Homes

male friendship

Today it was again! The miners have time to visit Lucky. The welcome was very stormy, the three musketeers were very happy again to spend a day together. As for Sven and Elizabeth used her visit to Vienna for an exhibition tour went, I went with the three guys in our Auhof the morning walk. While this was very stressful for me a year ago to go with three whippets on the leash for a walk, I noticed that some things have changed. Behaved and mannered all trotted with me be around and I was not a moment in danger, torn down to. Yes, you realize that adolescence is over. After a walk gabs first breakfast for us all and I was quite amazed, Lucky plastered with his friends dry food (he looks normal with the Popo does not). Then a bit was played, actually only Aramis and Lucky were there, Samu has preferred not to leave the couch and everything from there to look at rest. Afternoon, we made the woods uncertain. Afterwards, a foot-washing was announced (much to the dismay of the boys) but the feet were more by weather than mud dirty. Meanwhile, Elisabeth and Sven came back again, I cooked für uns Menschen Boeuf Stroganoff und die Wüffis bekamen Rinderfaschiertes mit Reis und Gemüse. Da blieb kein Reiskorn über! Als es dann wieder ans Abschiednehmen ging, schaute Lucky sehr unglücklich aus dem Fell. Aber nicht traurig sein Lucky! In drei Wochen treffen wir uns alle wieder in Tök (Ungarn) beim Coursing. Da werden wir ein ganzes Wochenende miteinander verbringen und das Hasi darf auch gejagt werden. Das sind doch tolle Aussichten!

Aramis und Lucky in Spiellaune
That makes fun!
Who is stronger?
Do not go away, I let you win next time!

No, I'm offended and go complain to Samu!

Our Puszta-Prince - Three friends for life!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Cruising Spots Jersey

Please to the table!

Lucky is a gourmet. And for some time was something no longer with his flesh. The quality of our source of supply had deteriorated and I had to dispose of very much, as he began to strike while eating. But he was right, I've even noticed it. Now I have found all around me a new feed suppliers. And lo and behold - it tastes again! Ratzeputz twice on the day of the bowl geleert. Da bleibt nichts mehr über. Hier das Beweisfoto:

Ich kann Geritzer Hunde- und Katzenfutter in Purkersdorf  wirklich empfehlen. Das ist Qualität, wie sie Hunde lieben!

Und es gibt dort auch super Rinderohren. Die liebt Lucky besonders. Und ein Whippet von Welt läßt sich das Rinderohr auf Hasenfell servieren! Da kann man nur sagen: "Noblesse oblige!"

Und mit vollem Bauch läßt es sich herrlich chillen!

Morgen ist wieder Action angesagt. The miners come to visit! There goes back around! We look forward :-)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Wwe Event Digital Camera

welfare and Whippet switching

It is good that there are animal welfare and their clubs. But sometimes you can not understand a lot. Due to current events as I ponder again for something. A dog of my breeder Zsolt, he has issued in December 2010 to a longtime friend who was about to do with this dog named Fantomas Coursing (he is already three years, the coursing is never a competition run) turned up in Germany on a HP of an animal protection organization. To forgive and currently living in Bavaria on a nursing course. Origin: An animal shelter in Budapest! I immediately contacted Zsolt and fell out of every Clouds. Request to Germany, but there could not say why the dog would have ended up at the shelter. The text in its "Who wants me" ad should come from the Hungarians, because the dog as Coursinglegende (not the dog is a coursing far gone!) Time off and looking for a place where he does not as a profit, and sports equipment used to be! This text has then caused me to write a long mail to Germany (I got a nice response, but the text has not changed). For all runs, the coursing with his dog, knows how expensive it is. Where's the profit? If you are lucky you get a trophy and not everywhere, often it is just a handshake! And we love our dogs about everything and certainly see no sports instrument in it. For many of us go through Europe to see many hundreds of miles from Coursingplatz Coursingplatz to just one thing: The happy laughter of her dog on his face if he caught after hunting the Hasi!

Well, Zsolt is working to clarify the reasons why Fantomas has landed at the shelter. He can not understand it. Moreover, is situated in another blog by a woman from Hungary, the claim that the breeder knew already know and has even turned to the animal protection! An absolute impudence and falsehood. But this besagte Person arbeitet mit dem Tierheim zusammen. Was ist daran faul? Und noch eine Frage drängt sich mir auf: Der volle Names des Hundes (Tisza-parti Szélvész Fantomas) war bekannt, er wurde auch so auf der "Gesucht-Anzeige" im Internet, die mittlerweile gelöscht wurde, vorgestellt. Sonst hätte ich gar nicht gewußt, dass es sich um einen Tisza-parti Szélvész-Hund handelt! Doch nach Berichten auf einem anderen Blog und unserem Mailverkehr mit Deutschland ist der volle Name auf einmal gelöscht worden!  Eigenartig! Warum jetzt auf einmal diese Löschung?? Warum haben die Ungarn den Züchter nicht kontaktiert, obwohl sie wußten welcher Dog that is. He has still to papers! Is it better to leave the dog in a shelter (the Hungarian homes are no luxury hotels!) And ask instead of his growers, if he does not resume? Zsolt is no stranger to Whippetkreisen in Hungary! It is easy to find, if only through his homepage. And it would not be the first of his dogs, which he brought back. Since I know some examples.

Oh, I almost had forgotten: The Whippet Archives are registered also Fanotmas to see with owner Zsolt Bacskai, under this link! really Well, what if a dog is stolen and somehow ends up at the shelter? Try man dann nicht auch sicherheitshalber (falls der Hundename bekannt ist) den Besitzer oder Züchter im Internet zu finden? Noch dazu, wo man in diesem Fall nur den Namen des Hundes eingeben muss und schon wird man zum Whippet-Archiv geführt, wo alles zu erfahren ist! Mehr als seltsam...

Hier ist die Vermittlungsanzeige von Fantomas (jetzt wird er Flynn genannt) zu sehen! Ich bin sicher, er bekommt bald seinen Sofaplatz auf Lebenszeit! Ich würde ihn, wenn ich nur könnte, sofort zu uns nehmen:-( Was mir in der Seele weh tut, ist er doch auch mit meinem Lucky verwandt, sie haben den gleichen Großvater väterlicherseits...)

Some recent photos of Fantomas (Flynn), made by his foster family. Thank you have sent it to me! I have every confidence in the German exchange. To Hungary to the animal shelter will my confidence but not ...


09/03/2011: I have now received some information lead me, my original setting to the animal shelter in to reconsider Budapest. It would be but to no fault or carelessness of this institution act but it looks as if an unfortunate chain of circumstances have caused this situation. I will have the opportunity to meet the director of the shelter in person and then shall all the misunderstandings are cleared up. And if my present good feeling is confirmed, then I continue the shelter would like to support. I would like to report after my conversation about it.