Sunday, December 6, 2009

Cartier 20-61323 Vintage

immowelt - Agents 2000

The World Realty Ltd. has announced an include for a software portal - how and where? .. I applied for a portal for design tenders for some projects and submitted to the said real estate world two draft project and yes, it also won.

As so-called Crowd designs are usually advertised in the Logos & Business Cards. Now and then there are also tasks out of order as just this: the customer is looking for an innovative addition to animated practically a design for a virtual product, ie, in the case of a software outside of the retail offer.

The central animation meets the need of the product a face or a shell to give - presented in Flash 10 on:

Thursday, July 9, 2009

How Long Is Marsoc For

Sofatutor or e-learning 2.0

I recently had an interesting meeting with Andrew Spading, CEO of Sofatutor . Essentially it was to understand the goals of the other person first, and to outline possible common goals.

What is so special about Sofatutor? First and foremost, here are learning units for students in "digestible" Happen offered: Videos, illustrated content and personal papers - complete with crisp tasks. The content can be commented on, discussed, evaluated and categorized - that way we would prefer the school of the future ...

But can such a "digital school" make more? Can this in-depth knowledge be passed? Could such a portal even be used for teaching and evaluation of aspects of corporate communication?

e-learning and internal communication are known as data-sensitive. An adaptation of the platform (the so-called White-Labeling) and are offered in the preparation of content must be consistent with the values \u200b\u200bof the company .. .. and the necessary process of change in the company should prepare a new role.

Here our goal sketch: in conjunction with Sofatutor as well as freelance editors and designers for new media, we want to offer additional business to the corporate style guide a guide and help in the implementation and integration of learning content for corporate communications. We make staff of editors and editors to be directors. With the help of well structured content, efficient and value-binding Screencasts tutors, information be mediated both exciting and relaxing. The only prerequisite: an intranet with Sofatutor .

Thursday, July 2, 2009

08 Pilot Front License Plate Mount

Kisju - Food 2.0

but everyone has really been any kind of shop my auctions on Ebay, my wish list at Amazon, my food at kisju ... The idea: to bring quality products and qualtiätsbewußte consumers "around the table."

But what are tasks as for designers? - First, the products to the gourmet far spent to make it appealing. The question of the information, the supply and the resulting opinion I find it exciting - that branding as a beta offering? .. We look with excitement to the dining table:

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Paper Pattern For Baby Moccasins

documentation Flash Camp Berlin 2009

.. muss mal atmen üben - bei so ner flashigen Userkonferenz ist doch witzig was man alles lernen kann - Punkt 1 die Intuition zur guten Tat ist unabhängig vom gewählten Beruf ;) .. Punkt 2 - die Faszination dessen darf ausgelebt werden ;)) Punkt 3 behalte ich mal für mich .. denn mal ehrlich und ohne Tamtam: die eigentliche Erkenntis für meinen Teil - es macht Spaß auch ohne großes Team Sachen zu erfinden, zu bauen ect. & auch wenn das so gar nicht dem hier gewählten Thema entspricht: back to the roots!! Anbei & in Auszügen ein Paar Slides von denen ich hoffe, dass sie ohne viel Worte eigentlich use something nobody .. Team Creativity - Design of configurations (excerpt)

ps thanks to Wolf Nöding and Spirit Link - for the infographic Styles

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

What Does Three Season Tent Mean

Flash Summer Camp 2009 Berlin

Am 14.6. will give the Erkelenzdamm 59 in Berlin Kreuzberg, a conference primarily for Flash Developer. That is in addition to some agencies and the Adobe Flash community wants the latest information in terms Flash10, Flex, Papervision, realtime 3D, audio and video to see and hear .. and, if the interested visitor wishes he or she can also also a lecture on the concept and design of complex flash configurators so against 14:30 enjoy. That means I will the talk of the dc-days 2008 to adjust something in the direction of development and I hope useful examples and tips on approach in the design of such projects to have up his sleeve.

links and registration on the Flex User Group: Flash Camp, Berlin 06.14.2009

Saturday, May 30, 2009


Spanish Dance

On Thursday at Enrico gabs now a English evening - a performance that is a Techno-Trance-movie Mukke. Too bad the girl is already back on the road home. Enrico Pietracci works in the style of model-artist music. That is also light and space are important - some planned, to discover.

you "see" what have happened - how long you wait or when it starts to go to ...

my Flickr - sketches

Friday, May 29, 2009

I Want To Buy Hammerhead Twister

Coachingkompetenzen für Führungskräfte und Berater - mit IHK Zertifikat

coaching as a method of counseling has gained acceptance and is increasingly utilized in the leadership. In addition, always make more people be in accountancy, you would want to be frequent coaching skills in her consulting work. But this make a lengthy complete training at prices from 4,000 € Up? Since 2005, I offer at the Chamber of Dusseldorf with great success a seven-day basic training in coaching.

The seminar provides a comprehensive introduction to methods and tools of coaching. In addition to communication-psychological approaches, participants learn about questioning techniques, the process of coaching, the systemic approach to coaching, solution-oriented techniques and principles of conflict coaching.

At least 50% of the seminar are devoted to practical exercises. Moreover, I show some of the most successful coaching tools in their practical application.

  • What is Coaching?
  • The systemic approach to coaching
  • reasons for coaching
  • attitudes in coaching
  • Communicative techniques in coaching I - The TALK Model - the transaction analytical approach
  • Communicative techniques in the Coaching II - give feedback - questioning techniques
  • solution-oriented conversation techniques
  • Aufzählung The coaching process (with video recording)
  • conflict coaching
  • creative tools: Coaching map, power Panorama, 5 pillars of identity
  • installation tools: tetralemma, ground anchors, route-target list, character list including
  • psychodrama / shape: role reversal, Empty Chair, Home Affairs Team
  • Life coaching

Each participant also has the option to one coaching on a topic of their choice.
The action concludes with a Chamber of Commerce Certificate.

flow: The seminar begins on Thursdays and Fridays and will run in the following week, Monday through Friday. The coaching sessions take place in the second week in the afternoon following the seminar. The final paper will be created in writing. Available to participants for three months to.
dates and places:

IHK Forum Dusseldorf
03/17/2011 - 25/03/2011
14/09/2011 - 09/23/2011
Price: (possible NRW education check!) 950 € (as July 2010)
Information and registration:
Gudrun buses
Phone: (0211) 17243-36,
Fax: (0211) 17243-39,

CAUTION: Take NRW-education voucher!

IHK Hamburg

12/05/2011 - 05/20/2011
10/20/2011 - 10/28/2011

Price: 950 € (June 2010)
Information and registration:
Antje Zapatka
Phone: 040/36138-486 Fax: 040/36138-750

IHK Münster:
30.06. - 07/08/2011

information and registration: 0251 707 345
Mrs. Becker

Saarbrücken, in cooperation with the Chamber of Commerce Saarbrücken:

24.11. - 12/02/2011

info, flyers and registration directly to me.

Wilson One Six K Factor Lite

Coaching für neue Führungskräfte

Congratulations: you are a manager at last!

newly won position are frequently associated with the addition to the obvious benefits, many questions and a new challenge:

- How do I position myself against my team?
- How do I get recognition?
- How I can and will enforce me?
- Leadership: what does this really mean for me?
- What style of leadership I want to practice?
- how to communicate and do I want?
- How do I deal with conflict?

In short: you are doing a new professional role auszuprägen.

But how exactly will that look?

Many provide leadership training in the first place a certain know-how of leadership. That's helpful. However, new leaders often difficult to do their everyday management. And often they discover that they are in their new role is not yet feel quite secure.

The seminar "Coaching for new leaders" will therefore approach the issue differently. In This seminar is the dissemination of knowledge more in the background. Participants get rather a platform available where they reflect at different coaching methods and exercises specific issues, situations and experiences from their daily working practice, training and so to develop their leadership competencies. The coaching is this attention to the personal skills and resources, and links up there. Participants experience and learn and develop their resources themselves, and develop their repertoire of actions according to their own personality. The selection of topics and events is therefore targeted primarily on the needs of participants. Offered is a thematic framework on which to fit the topics.

is important, that the participants can get in a protected environment concerns and focus attention on problems in practice and work on solving and coping strategies.

The seminar is divided into three thematically oriented modules. The participants themselves determine to be addressed in any capacity and professional issues. S


Module I: 3 days
Topic: delegate, communicate, decide

Module II: 2 days
main topic: difficult conversations employee team building and team management

Module III: 2 days
Topic: identify and manage conflicts

The modules are timed so that each participant can use between the modules as individual support in the process even a telephonic one coaching with the instructor. Methodologically, the range extends from classical small group work on role-play to special coaching exercises such as role reversal, statements with ground anchors, anchoring techniques and more. Again and again also a concern in individual coaching sessions are processed before the group. The time frame of the overall measure is chosen so that sufficient time between the modules is available, the experienced and prepared to apply in practice, zu modifizieren und weiterzuentwickeln. Das jeweils folgende Modul bietet immer die Möglichkeit, die Praxisphase intensiv zu reflektieren. So ist ein maximaler Praxistransfer gewährleistet. Die Einbettung in einen Gruppenzusammenhang ermöglicht den Teilnehmern zudem einen intensiven kollegialen Erfahrungsaustausch. Zwischen den Modulen werden Peergroups angeregt, um den fortlaufenden Erfahrungsaustausch auch während der Praxisphasen zu gewährleisten.



Modul I: 27.01. - 29.01.2011

Modul II: 14./15.03.2011

Modul III: 23./24.05.2011

IHK Forum Düsseldorf

Information und Anmeldung:

Gudrun Busse,

Telefon: (0211) 17243-36, Telefax: (0211) 17243-39,


ACHTUNG: Nutzen Sie den NRW-Bildungsscheck

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Is It Snowy In Aspen In April

Coachingtechniken in der beruflichen Praxis

Zielgruppe: Führungskräfte und Berater mit Vorkenntnissen in Coachingmethoden und -techniken


Der Lehrgang bietet eine Übungsplattform für die Teilnehmer, an Hand realer Anliegen, die von den Teilnehmern selbst eingebracht werden, Coachingtechniken zu trainieren. Der Fokus liegt auf der eigenständigen Führung eines Coachinggesprächs, der Einübung von Fragetechniken, Auswahl und Anwendung geeigneter Solution tools under supervision.

Seminar goal:

Prospective Coaches for the training, consultants and managers gain more security in their coaching or management experience and gain practical experience in dealing with techniques and tools.


previous experience in coaching are required, visit the course, "Coaching skills for managers and consultants," the Chamber of Commerce Dusseldorf, if necessary preliminary to the program director


01 - 03.02.2010

IHK Forum Dusseldorf

Information and registration:

Gudrun buses, telephone: (0211) 17243-36, Telefax: (0211) 17243-39,


ACHTUNG: Nutzen Sie den NRW-Bildungsscheck !

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Pregnancy Test Menopause

UX Camp Berlin 2009

Compared to the last visited Barcamp in Nuremberg, it was at the UX-Camp exclusively to the issues Infomationsdesign, user interfaces and information architecture - a kind of special event Architects of the Web 2.0 .. really impressive sessions on Sales of user experience in the small group, a nice icon-lecture, not least the discussion on prototyping in the crowded hall on Saturday - I am from Altersründen no '68, but I would be interested to know the culture of communication compared to this time .. O)

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Monster Energy Pool Cue

wealth by Fotolia

they say, graphic designers can generate a second income (real name why second) earnings from licensing rights.?. Did on the site: Fotolia now with video. Ie the created buttons and graphics can be marketed, not least animated ... The first test in the direction will probably remain for the foreseeable future, the last. My calculation example is the desirable minimum monthly turnover of 100 € in average revenue of 1.50 € per download and consistently high interest: 6-8 man months Zeit für Grafik, Layout und Rendering - ein harter Job..

Samaire Armstrong Nue Fakes

rrrrrrrrrr ....

design by stardust
music by Expansion Team

Monday, April 27, 2009

Am I Create Paypal Acount With Sbi Atm Card

ADC exhibition

jetzt war ich also auch mal am ADC, d.h. wenigstens bei der Ausstellung im Kino Kosmos. Neben dem edlen Wässerchen zu 2 Mark lassen sich hier nicht zuletzt die kreativen Arbeiten und Meisterwerke der deutschsprachigen Werbung des vergangen Jahres bewundern. Also ich hab einfach mit der Knipse drauf gehalten und - so hoffe ich, wenigstens für mich die Sachen dauerhafter and to get closer to the head. .. My personal favorite: "We are celebrating 60 years of human rights: Amnesty International - the pie fight dictators .. Unfortunately, I've noticed you made and not exactly but I assume the Scholz & Friends

ADC Exhibition 2009

Brazillian Wax On Plus Size Woman


sometimes I am I'm really not sure what I'm doing at all, that is, I like to think of a scenario or use for any purpose, such as: on a portfolio, then a topic, then a reaction and when the time comes och noticed - today is probably just only Monday!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Cut On Hand Between Thumb And Pointer

090 423 today .. Animation was better

So on the one hand, the model was new, it has moved much slower, is actually quite received very little on the music. The cello has rather played against a wall and you knew. For me it was not until today have once again simple, that I could focus on the whole Klimbim of the sheet or the characters it makes zueiander interesting. But this will not always be so - and that's a good thing.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Navy Blue And Mustard Split Wall


The task: Design an entertaining animated film as a loop for a conference.

The kind of conference attendees, slightly aufgeregt, mit Vorfreude, steht frisch geduscht in der Reihe zur Registrierung. Weitere Besucher vor ihm - was wird ihn erwarten, welche Referenten, welche Beiträge...

Ein Testimonial lat. testimonium = Zeugenaussage, wirksam präsentiert gibt dem Besucher einen Vorgeschmack und Informationen für die anstehenden Tage und Stunden. In diesem Fall wirksam hinter den Damen am Welcome-Desk auf 50" Plasma in Full-HD.

Kunde: fjor, interactive + consulting
Aufgabe: Animation
Umsetzung: After Effects CS3