Sofatutor or e-learning 2.0
I recently had an interesting meeting with Andrew Spading, CEO of Sofatutor . Essentially it was to understand the goals of the other person first, and to outline possible common goals.
What is so special about Sofatutor? First and foremost, here are learning units for students in "digestible" Happen offered: Videos, illustrated content and personal papers - complete with crisp tasks. The content can be commented on, discussed, evaluated and categorized - that way we would prefer the school of the future ...
But can such a "digital school" make more? Can this in-depth knowledge be passed? Could such a portal even be used for teaching and evaluation of aspects of corporate communication?
e-learning and internal communication are known as data-sensitive. An adaptation of the platform (the so-called White-Labeling) and are offered in the preparation of content must be consistent with the values \u200b\u200bof the company .. .. and the necessary process of change in the company should prepare a new role.
Here our goal sketch: in conjunction with Sofatutor as well as freelance editors and designers for new media, we want to offer additional business to the corporate style guide a guide and help in the implementation and integration of learning content for corporate communications. We make staff of editors and editors to be directors. With the help of well structured content, efficient and value-binding Screencasts tutors, information be mediated both exciting and relaxing. The only prerequisite: an intranet with Sofatutor .
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