Congratulations: you are a manager at last!
newly won position are frequently associated with the addition to the obvious benefits, many questions and a new challenge:
- How do I position myself against my team?
- How do I get recognition?
- How I can and will enforce me?
- Leadership: what does this really mean for me?
- What style of leadership I want to practice?
- how to communicate and do I want?
- How do I deal with conflict?
In short: you are doing a new professional role auszuprägen.
But how exactly will that look?
Many provide leadership training in the first place a certain know-how of leadership. That's helpful. However, new leaders often difficult to do their everyday management. And often they discover that they are in their new role is not yet feel quite secure.
The seminar "Coaching for new leaders" will therefore approach the issue differently. In This seminar is the dissemination of knowledge more in the background. Participants get rather a platform available where they reflect at different coaching methods and exercises specific issues, situations and experiences from their daily working practice, training and so to develop their leadership competencies. The coaching is this attention to the personal skills and resources, and links up there. Participants experience and learn and develop their resources themselves, and develop their repertoire of actions according to their own personality. The selection of topics and events is therefore targeted primarily on the needs of participants. Offered is a thematic framework on which to fit the topics.
is important, that the participants can get in a protected environment concerns and focus attention on problems in practice and work on solving and coping strategies.
The seminar is divided into three thematically oriented modules. The participants themselves determine to be addressed in any capacity and professional issues. S
Module I: 3 days
Topic: delegate, communicate, decide
Module II: 2 days
main topic: difficult conversations employee team building and team management
Module III: 2 days
Topic: identify and manage conflicts
The modules are timed so that each participant can use between the modules as individual support in the process even a telephonic one coaching with the instructor. Methodologically, the range extends from classical small group work on role-play to special coaching exercises such as role reversal, statements with ground anchors, anchoring techniques and more. Again and again also a concern in individual coaching sessions are processed before the group. The time frame of the overall measure is chosen so that sufficient time between the modules is available, the experienced and prepared to apply in practice, zu modifizieren und weiterzuentwickeln. Das jeweils folgende Modul bietet immer die Möglichkeit, die Praxisphase intensiv zu reflektieren. So ist ein maximaler Praxistransfer gewährleistet. Die Einbettung in einen Gruppenzusammenhang ermöglicht den Teilnehmern zudem einen intensiven kollegialen Erfahrungsaustausch. Zwischen den Modulen werden Peergroups angeregt, um den fortlaufenden Erfahrungsaustausch auch während der Praxisphasen zu gewährleisten.
Modul I: 27.01. - 29.01.2011
Modul II: 14./15.03.2011
Modul III: 23./24.05.2011
IHK Forum Düsseldorf
Information und Anmeldung:
Gudrun Busse,
Telefon: (0211) 17243-36, Telefax: (0211) 17243-39,
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