Saturday, October 30, 2010

Vip Suitcase Default Combination


Για να διαβάσετε όλο το κείμενο κάντε κλικ εδώ

Παρακάτω θα βρει κανείς απάντηση στην blind and complete idealization of Greek history from the National fanatics, designed not merely to glorify the Greek Nation and history, but mainly targeting the elimination of God Jesus Christ from the Greek psyche, through an artificial beauty throughout the ancient and therefore all the ancient religious practice, which leads, unfortunately, most of our fellow citizens in the darkness of the lack of true education.

beastfolk SONS OF THE GODS &


The gods and beasts and anthropomorphic monsters of mythology, the products starting miarotatis bestiality , their sons, eager debauchery ... That is why since ancient times trying to drink το ιερό αίμα της σάρκας και της ψυχής των Ελλήνων. Οι σημερινοί οπαδοί τους, πραγματικοί ζηλωτές τους, αντί να αντισταθούν σε αυτή την δαιμόνια φύση των gods repenting for failures of their ancestors, they have the audacity to hold holy (unholy) celebrations, peripaizontas ignorance of Greek property people, where the ancient times our ancestors describe the shame of the human sacrifice of Greek citizens in front of idols of folly and destruction.

More .

Harold And Lunar Bottomless Party Scene Iphone

Ορθοδοξία - Αιρέσεις - Πατήρ Βαρνάβας - Πατήρ Αρσένιος - Αρχείο 1ο 7.4 mb Αρχείο 2ο 5.4 mb - Ομιλία

Orthodoxy - Sects

Father Barnabas - Father Arsenios Archive 1ο 7.4 mb Αρχείο 2ο 5.4 mb

Monday, October 25, 2010

Cheap Funny Running Shirts

Η μεταστροφή μου Orthodoxy - Of Nazianzus, Bishop Paul de Bagiester - Photo Annex - Digital reading the book

My conversion to Orthodoxy

OF Nazianzus, Bishop Paul de Bagiester

Photo Annex


Pope Pius I (1903-1914) με τιάρα.

Η παπική τιάρα (triregnum) αποτελεί σύμβολο της πνευματικής και κοσμικής εξουσίας του παπισμού επάνω σε όλη την Εκκλησία και σε όλα τα κράτη the world.

used by popes in special ceremonies, such as during the ceremony stepseos. Bring around adorned with three crowns gems and a top cross placed upon a globe.

The tiara with three crowns worn for the first time since the Pope Clement R (1305-1314) and most recently by Paul F at the ceremony stepseos in 1963.

since no pope wore no tiara. Modern social conditions forced the papal seat to withdraw, but not abolish, the most obvious symbols of papal authority, to avoid strong criticism Triggered and the faithful of the papal Church.

Coronation of Pope Paul VI (1963-1978).

During the ceremony stepseos archdeacon put the tiara on the head of the new Pope and says the following prayer: «Dexe the tiara, decorated with three crowns and know that you Father of Princes and Kings, a master of the world, earthly representative of our Savior Jesus Christ, to whom belongs the honor and δόξα εις τους αιώνας των αιώνων».

« Α ccipe tiaram tribus coronis ornatam, et scias te esse Patrem Principum et Regnum, Rectorem Orbis, in terra Vicarium Salvatoris Nostri Jesu Christi, cui est honor et gloria in s.cula s.culorum».

Μετά τον Παύλο ΣΤ ΄ η τελετή στέψεως replaced (not removed) from the ceremony, the establishment of the Supreme Papacy (Inauguration of the Supreme Pontificate).

Pope Benedict XVI .

The refusal of the last three popes wear the tiara does not change at all papal ambitions and falsehoods. The main doctrines of the papacy, the primacy and infallibility of which derive all visible symbolic diversions remain completely unchanged.

Why? For this reason, these two doctrines are the two pillars upon which supported the papal structure. The elimination automatically lead to the collapse of the papacy.

The emblem of the papacy

The tiara is no longer used by Popes, but still there is the emblem and flag of the Vatican as a symbol of secular power of the papacy.

The first African Bishop of Kenge Franz Hoenen embraces the foot of the Pope Paul VI (1965).

Since then this custom has been suspended (till the time).

express special thanks to Reverend Rodostolou Bishop Chrysostomos, who gave us the photo. Perhaps it is the only photo kind of traveling across the globe.

The portable papal throne (sedia gestatoria).

consists of an armchair covered with silk cloth, built on a base that has two rings on each corner, through which pass two στύλοι. Οι στύλοι μαζί με τον θρόνο βαστάζονται από δώδεκα palafrenieri, ντυμένους με κόκκινες στολές. Συνοδεύεται από δύο μεγάλα ριπίδια (βεντάλιες) φτιαγμένα από white ostrich feathers. Pope John Paul I (1978) was the last to use the sedia gestatoria. Has since been replaced by car (popemobile).

parents of Father Paul Ballester, Francisco and Maria.

Father Paul as bishop of Nazianzus.

Father Paul as dean.

The church of St. Sophia in Mexico City. It was built at the initiative and the care of Father Paul.

The coffin with the remains of Father Paul placed in the tomb.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Why Is The Side Of My Stomach Sore

the Holy Spirit - the gifts of the Holy Spirit - The importance of the Feast of Pentecost - St. John Chrysostom (2)

Ἡ σημασία τῆς ἑορτῆς τῆς Πεντηκοστῆς

Θ ά ἤθελα ὅμως νά μιλήσω and the content of the event and tell you what is the Pentecost and why the Holy Spirit gives the grace of the feast and it was presented μέ τή μορφή πύρινων γλωσσῶν δέκα ἡμέρες μετά τήν Ἀνάληψη τοῦ Κυρίου.«Κι ὅταν πιά συμπληρώθηκαν οἱ ἡμέρες κι ἔφτασε ἡ Πεντηκοστή, φάνηκαν καί διαμοιράστηκαν more languages to students looked like flame. " No tongues, other language that resembled a flame, not to think that the Holy Spirit was something tangible and material. As it has descended to the Jordan River, not a dove, but something that looked like a dove, And so here was not flames, but κάτι πού ἐμοίαζε μέ φλόγα. Καί πάλι στό ἴδιο σημεῖο ἀναφέρει ὁ Ἀπόστολος «Σάν νά φύσηξε δυνατός ἀέρας». Δέν λέει πώς φύσηξε δυνατός ἀέρας, ἀλλά σάν νά φύσηξε strong wind .[...]

received by Christ's offer human nature and in return gave us the grace of the Holy Spirit. And just as happens in a long war, which when finished battles and stop the war and concluded peace, opponents exchange the guarantees and hostages, and so it was between God and humans. Sent the people to God guarantee and collateral supply of the human nature, and went to heaven Christ. And God sent us a guarantee and pledge the Holy Spirit. And that we have a guarantee and pledge must be clear by the following must guarantee and pledge BE royal lineage. We are therefore God sent the Holy Spirit, because from the same ἐξαιρετική βασιλική οὐσία (τοῦ Θεοῦ). Κι Ἐκεῖνος πού προσφέρθηκε ἀπό ἐμᾶς ἦταν ἀπό βασιλική γενιά, γιατί ἦταν ἀπόγονός του Δαβίδ. Καί ἀφοῦ ἡ πολύτιμη Our offer (Christ) is in the heavens I'm not afraid anymore. So what if someone threaten me with eternal torture or the inextinguishable fire or other penalties and punishments, I'm not afraid anymore. But more afraid, but do not despair, for my salvation. Why would not accept the sky, a God is our offer, if not thought to provide people a lot of good things. Before you accept our offer, "when we turn our eyes in the sky καί ἀντιλαμβανόμασταν τήν ὕπαρξη τῶν ἀγγέλων, συγκρίναμε τόν ἑαυτό μας μέ τίς δυνάμεις αὐτές καί διαπιστώναμε πόσο ἀδύνατοι εἴμαστε. Τώρα ὅμως, ἄν θελήσουμε see our kindness, raises his eyes to heaven, and even the throne of God, because there sits the valuable contribution of the human race (Christ).

so from the sky will come the Son of God to judge us. So let us be ready, to not be considered unworthy of glory (The Second Coming). Why will come certainly our Lord and I will not late. Will come and carry with them armies, battalions of angels, Constitution Archangels, control groups, dances law, the prophets and the apostles and in the middle of all these intangible forces would seem Lord with a large and unexpressed glory.

St. John Chrysostom

Mixers Without Noiseindia

the Holy Spirit - the gifts of the Holy Spirit - St. John Chrysostom (1)

M He is large and transcend human sense the gifts donated to us today by loving God. So let us rejoice together and skirtontas Let us with joy anymnisoume our Lord. Why Today is our holiday and panigyri.Opos that succeed one another seasons and movements of the sun, so just in the church or one feast after another and thus on the one going to the next. Before recently celebrated the cross, the passion and resurrection, and after them the Ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ in heaven. Today we got On top of the property, in this pinnacle of the festivities, we are no longer in realization of the promises of the Lord. "Because if you leave-you-say Comforter send another mighty, and will not leave you orphans. " (John 16.6). You see his family interest? You see the unexpressed philanthropy? A few days taken in the sky, sat on the royal throne, the right of the Father, and now sends us as a gift the gifts of the Holy Spirit and with αὐτόν τόν τρόπο μᾶς χορηγεῖ ἄπειρα οὐράνια ἀγαθά. Γιατί, πές μου, ποιό ἀπό τά ἀγαθά ποῦ συμβάλλουν στή σωτηρία μας δέν μᾶς δόθηκε ἀπό τό Ἅγιο Πνεῦμα;

By the grace is exempt from work of the devil, we have the freedom of Christ, leads to the heavenly adoption, remakes from the start and get rid of the heavy and unbearable burden of our sins. By the grace of the Holy Spirit We see so many priests and Do they battalions teachers of the Church. From this source Pegasus prophecies and wealth iaseon gifts and everything else that usually decorate the Ἐκκλησία τοῦ Θεοῦ ἀπό τό Ἅγιο Πνεῦμα προέρχονται. Καί φωνάζει ὁ Παῦλος καί λέει: «Γιά ὅλα αὐτά τά χαρίσματα ἐνεργεῖ τό ἕνα καί μοναδικό Πνεῦμα, πού τά deals as he wants everyone individually "(I Cor. 12.11).

«as it wants," he says, not as ordered. "Shares", and not shared. Has power, καί δέν ἐξουσιάζεται. Γιατί ὁ Παῦλος λέει πώς ἔχει καί τό Ἅγιο Πνεῦμα τήν ἴδια ἐξουσία, πού ἔχει καί ὁ Πατήρ. Κι ὅπως εἶπε γιά τόν Πατέρα «ὁ Θεός εἶναι ἐκεῖνος acting always and everywhere "(I Cor. 12.6), so says the Holy Spirit" for all these gifts act as one and only Spirit who distributes everyone wants it separately. Specific power for perfect, why many people have the same nature and essence is clear that they also have the same power, and you have the same value, to those one is the power and authority.

Thanks to the power of the Holy Spirit rid of their sins, With this flush the soul of each pollutant. The donation of the Holy Spirit, while we were people became angels, of course, all who wanted to help us His grace, without changing our nature, but, and this is the most remarkable, we have maintained our human nature and I have shown this angelic behavior. So great is the power of the Holy Spirit! And as the actual fire when he accepted the soft clay tile makes it hard, exactly and the fire of the Holy Spirit, when it gets a soul sound, even if they find it more soft And from the clay, make it more robust and from the iron. And do ξαφνικά πιό καθαρό ἀπ’ τόν ἥλιο ἐκεῖνον πού ἕως τώρα ἦταν μολυσμένος ἀπ’ τήν ἀκαθαρσία τῶν ἁμαρτιῶν.[...]

«Μέ τή δύναμη τοῦ ὀνόματος τοῦ Κυρίου Jesus Christ, "he says," and the grace of the Spirit of our God. " You see, my dear, the Holy Spirit? Saw that the Holy Spirit, set aside ὅλες αὐτές τίς κακίες, καί ὅτι ἐκείνους ποῦ ἦταν προηγουμένως ὑποδουλωμένοι στίς ἁμαρτίες τους, τούς ἀνέβασε ξαφνικά σέ τόσο ὑψηλές τιμές;

St. John Chrysostom