Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Cow Palace Tv's Cameras On Sale

flash animation for Odersun via Codeluxe

Gölden Hugo Martin and Chris combine design and information architecture. I think the animations and designs Codeluxe move between minimalism and effortless ease - always high and always creative. For the customer Odersun so I have a key in the above animation style for the relaunch of the company's website flashed ..

.. as an idea on the subject, I first tested a 3D setup, which is in the But implementation is too inflexible and data-intensive. The central idea of \u200b\u200bCodeluxe / Hugo was to create Flash 9 with isometric means and with the help of beat, light, shadow, reflection, layout and a spatial impression of movement.

result http://www.odersun.com

Client: Codeluxe - Christel, Goeldner GbR
Power: animation for website relaunch Odersun


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