Neu: Führungskräftecoaching - Inhouse
praise Often, companies highly skilled workforce as managers from, usually a good decision and for the so-promoted safe an attractive development. But just excellent professionals often find that a leadership position, it presents completely new tasks and challenges. "Leadership" they have not learned. But who is that?
Sure you can send your new one in a seminar "From employee to manager and be sure to learn something new. But in the everyday management is still a while the uncertainty, raised questions and situations that can not be tackled from a catalog-out seminar.
offer for this target person I customized in-house executive coaching to a combination of seminar and coaching.
In a brief standardized pre-interview I ask the participants according to their actual needs topics: exactly where the shoe pinches? - And then posting on a well-coordinated approach, a mixture of "units of knowledge", workshop settings and coaching exercises.
is objective, the participants just to pick where they want and deliver the individual learning and development needs precisely customized content and exercises that enable a true evolution. Flanked
is also available (optional) by adding a one coaching, which must accompany the transfer of the seminar content into their daily operations. Here, too, will only work as required. The basic package includes
this offer 3 seminar days plus a standard preliminary interview, an individual concept, and (optionally) a subsequent individual coaching.
This may be nationwide conducted at free appointment at any time.
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