Tuesday, May 22, 2007

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Bestattungen Meyer & Co. - Behn & Co. in Hamburg

funeral Meyer & Co. - Behn & Co. seit 1884 in Hamburg:

Gegründet wurden 1884 die Bestattungsunternehmen Meyer in Altona in der Gr. Rainstr. 25-29 und Behn, ebenfalls in Altona, in der Erzbergerstraße 19.

Die Firma Meyer ist seit Gründung in 5. Generation im Familienbesitz, die Firma Behn & Co. wurde 1961 von der Firma Meyer & Co. übernommen. 1995 wurden die Firmen zu einer Familien oHG zusammengeschlossen und führen seitdem die Bezeichnung Meyer & Co. – Behn & Co. Die derzeitigen Gesellschafter sind die Eheleute Heinz und Sibylla Zoch und Tochter, Jutta Schönbach-Struthoff.

Einige unserer Tätigkeiten:

  • earth fire and sea burials

  • anonymous Fire and burials

  • overpasses at home and abroad

  • counseling sessions, either in our office or request home visits

  • Obtaining the required documents (certificates , death certificate) Buyer's Guide grave

  • selecting a casket, an urn, respectively

  • delivery of laundry and death Sargeinkleidungen

  • other activities

We also advise you in detail on all aspects of funeral care. Also Bestattungsvorverträge be completed during his lifetime. We also provide a death benefit insurance agency of the Nuremberg insurance. The cost of a funeral are in the variety of ways to quantify non-standard rate. Of course, we give the cost to the individual requirements of your design requirements.


Meyer & Co. - Behn & Co.

Large Rainstr. 27


Tag Nachtruf: (040) 39 72 40


Wednesday, May 9, 2007

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Branchenblog für Bestatter in Hamburg eröffnet

industry blog for Services opens in Hamburg

industries in this blog is going to undertaker and funeral home in Hamburg and region. Looking for a funeral home in Hamburg? You have a death in their family or are thinking about burial benefits? Find your funeral home in Hamburg, which is available with help and advice. Besttungsunternehmen from Hamburg will soon be put on here.

What burial types are there?
  • burials (burial coffin or urn burial)
  • cremations (burial in an urn)
  • sea burials (burial at sea)
  • Anonymous burials (burial in a joint field)

of Funeral and Burial Services in Hamburg

you are a funeral home in Hamburg and would like free an article, text, report, announcement, anniversary, etc. on your Funeral Services in Hamburg publish here? Very much. Please

sending us your text, like to picture or logo to our email address:

industry blog (at) yahoo.de

[use the (at) with @) replace]. Please specify in the subject line Services Hamburg.