Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Minivan Country Song

Year Post-coursing in Kecskemet - Hungary

In vierTagen fängt die Coursing-Saison für Lucky an. Wir reisen aber bereits am Freitag zum Jahreseröffnungs-Coursing nach Ungarn, genau genommen nach Kecskemet im südlichen Teil unseres Nachbarlandes, wo Lucky bereits im November vorigen Jahres teilgenommen und gewonnen hat. Das Wetter soll sonnig werden mit 12 Grad plus! Das wäre fein, nach all den kalten Tagen der letzten drei Monate könnte es wirklich einmal Frühling werden! Aber auch im letzten November hatten wir dort Glück mit dem Wetter, da hatte es knappe 20 Grad (am 14.11.!) ebenfalls bei wunderbaren Sonnenschein. Na wie heißt es so schön? "Wenn Angels travel ...":-)

But I have a secret from Lucky, which I have not betrayed him :-) His best buddies and Aramis Samu go with it. They are in the "poachers" . Hasi pursue the class we all stay until Sunday in Hungary, which means a weekend with your best friends is on, plus a great coursing on sandy soil - what Lucky wants more he will be more than happy all his loved ones ;!. can hunt with it and do not give proper gas and Hasi And I look forward to a weekend with Elizabeth and Sven Moreover, there will again be great photos, since our "Whippetpaparazzi" Sven is with

:-) Here are a few photos from my memory album. Thus it began: Lucky and the miners in September 2009, at her first coursing training!

Aramis wants only one thing - get the Hasi!

Samu pursuing targeted the booty!

Lucky in the hunting fever!

As a smoke so the paws from walking! Quick cool down ...

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Rome Total War Multiplayer Log In Fail

Club Show 2011 of ÖKWZR with CACIL

On 14 May 2011 refers to Club Show ÖKWZR with the CAC in conjunction with the CACIL Coursing 15 May in Tirol instead.

organizer of the Greyhound Racing Club Tirol (WRTC), the exhibition area is located at the races in WRTC the Inzing.

Lucky and I will not let you miss and are looking forward to it!

invitation and registration form Web at this link.

The track of the WRTC in Inzing
Photo: Helge Kronsteiner

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

What If I Forgot My Combination To My Master Lock

Coursing Coursing Championship 2011 - Holland here we come!

on the HP Coursing Championship 2011 You can read every day, how long will it be before the Championship starts. Today, there are still 135 days until then. Actually, not long, because time passes very quickly. Last year in Chardonnay, we were only to be mere spectators and fingers crossed for our team here, there was Lucky's license to "new". But this year he will . Start And to make it up to me and my racing bread as comfortable as possible, I have decided to rent a motor home this year to be in order, if fixed on the campground Coursing Championship. Last year, we have 25 km from Chardonnay away stayed in a hotel in Macon, and this was a little awkward to go back and forth. However, from Austria to Holland, it is a very long way, strictly speaking Purkersdorf - Oirschot 1060.9 km! Well, a little closer than Chardonnay, which was about 1,200 km. Faster so that I can be on the road (with a camper can not one nozzle so), I rent me (Thanks to the Whippet by Foris forum for the tips) in Mülheim an der Ruhr an der Caravanmeile bei Caravan Schraub ein Wohnmobil. Auch einen Hund kann man ohne Probleme mitnehmen. Da kann ich mit dem Auto schon mal die 900 km bis Mülheim schneller zurücklegen und ab dort habe ich es nur 135 km nach Oirschot. Perfekt! Heute habe ich den Vertrag bekommen, unterschrieben und auch bereits die Anzahlung geleistet. Holland - wir kommen!!!!!!

Hier ein paar Bilder von unserem Wohnmobil, ein Adriatik 575 SP:

Da schlafen Lucky und ich sicher sehr gut!

Today I again looked at the pictures from France last year and a bit full of memories. Nice it was in Chardonnay, especially that sense of international solidarity, which was always strong in front of the medal ceremonies for the expression, where representatives from different countries together were arm in arm waving flag a lap of honor.

"We are from Austria!"
Lucky as a Patriot in red-white-red.
The Dutchman - our host this year - 2010 in Chardonnay.

Austria together with Finland for the flags round!